Class of 2023 Matched

This year, 46 students from the Class of 2023 sought placement through the national postgraduate dental program, and 95 percent of them have been successfully matched. The 2023 national match rate is 66 percent, placing RSDM about 30 percent above the average.

“That gap [in match rate] is just continuing to build on,” said Dean Feldman at the Match Day Reception on Jan. 24. “I think it's really reflective of our students, our graduates, and the reputation that Rutgers has.”

Dean Cecile Feldman addressed the students at the Match Day Reception.

At the event, faculty and classmates celebrated the achievements of the Class of 2023.

Most students chose general practice residencies while six students were matched with advanced education in general dentistry program. Moreover, the most popular specialty was pediatric dentistry with six students from the Class of 2023 and four alumni being placed in a program. Orthodontics followed with three students. One student was matched with endodontics and another one with oral and maxillofacial surgery. There is also one student joining the U.S. Air Force.

The University of Pennsylvania, Hackensack University Medical Center, the Children’s National Hospital, Lyons Veterans Administration Medical Center as well as RSDM and Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital are among the places that students will be going.

In addition, 50 students secured spots in private practices across the country, stretching from New York to California to Massachusetts to Florida.

“These results,” Feldman said, “are reflective of all the time and the effort and the dedication that you put in day in and day out.”