Beginning with a White Coat

Rutgers School of Dental Medicine (RSDM) Class of 2028 received white coats as they started working towards earning their DMD degrees to become dentists.

RSDM was one of the first dental schools in the country to have this symbolic tradition. The event launched with remarks from Vice Dean Kim Fenesy and Dean Cecile A. Feldman, welcoming 91 students into the profession. The keynote speaker was a recent graduate and secretary of the RSDM Alumni Association Eric Reitmeyer ’22 ’24 who told the students the importance of upholding the ethical professionalism that the white coat represents, from their initial days as students and throughout their careers.

Eric Reitmeyer
Keynote speaker Eric Reitmeyer ’22 ’24

“You may not be actual dentists right now, but you’ll have to start acting like one,” said Reitmeyer. “The white coat you will receive today represents qualities of professionalism, humility, empathy, and trust. These are all characteristics you must possess now and after graduation.” To achieve those, he told the class: “Do the right thing. While that may not sound super profound or deep, it’s the best piece of advice I can share. All of you right now can differentiate what’s right and wrong. Knowing what’s right is different from doing what’s right.”

Following Reitmeyer’s speech, Daniel Brigham Class of 2026, and Matthew Amador and Hannah Ciullo of the Class of 2025 received the school’s Professionalism Award given to students displaying exemplary professional conduct.

Recipients of RSDM's Professionalism Award
Recipients of the school’s Professionalism Award Daniel Brigham (left), and Matthew Amador and Hannah Ciullo with Chair of Periodontics Andrew Sullivan '77 and Dean Cecile A. Feldman.

Said Chair of Periodontics Andrew Sullivan ’74, presenting the award: “Daniel, Matt, and Hannah do not just exemplify the principles of professionalism when called upon to sit on a Mediation Panel or Hearing Body, but each and every day they lead by example, and have made a difference in holding all students to the standards of the RSDM Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.”

New Jersey Dental Association President Eliza Velazquez ’99 ’01 ’02 recited the dental oath for the new class. “A simple garment, a plain white coat, today for you it signifies so much more,” she said. “[It’s a] change in your role from student to student doctor and a promise to uphold the highest ethical standards for your patients. In your career, I also remind you of the importance of community, involvement, and giving back to the profession of dentistry. The white coat ceremony is just one step in what will surely be an exciting journey towards becoming a dentist.”


A recording of the event can be found here.