Thursday Talks: Samara Kaplan ’25

Our next student feature is New Jersey native Samara Kaplan of the Class of 2025.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do at RSDM.

I am a fourth-year dental student at RSDM. This year, as a third-year, has been so wonderful and challenging as my classmates and I have transitioned from didactic/science courses to patient care. Treating patients in the clinics and on closed rotations has solidified my passion for dentistry and patient care. I especially enjoy being alongside my classmates and learning from one another.

How long have you been here, and why did you decide to come to RSDM?

I am a Jersey girl! Having grown up in New Jersey and attending Rutgers University-New Brunswick for my undergraduate education, it felt only natural to continue my postgraduate education here in New Jersey.

Kaplan with children
Kaplan with children in the Dominican Republic

What do you like the most about RSDM?

For me, the best part of RSDM is the people, including amazing faculty, staff, and of course my classmates. I know that I am never on my own, and there are always people willing to lend a hand.

What do you enjoy doing outside of school?

Starting last year, I sought out different volunteer opportunities. Currently, I am a Red Cross Blood Donor Ambassador, meaning I attend blood drives across NJ and assist donors during their blood donations. I also volunteer at Friendship Circle, an organization devoted to promoting greater awareness of children and teens with intellectual and physical disabilities, a few nights a month. I am especially proud of the dental outreach trip that my classmates and I attended with Dr. [Herminio] Perez, [assistant dean of student affairs, diversity and inclusion], in La Romana, Dominican Republic, earlier this year.