With such a broad range of oral healthcare needs throughout the state of New Jersey and beyond, our team offers an equally wide array of services to meet them. Among these include maxillofacial surgery, which helps patients with oral, jaw-related, and facial issues regain their comfort and confidence and find relief. If you’re seeking this treatment, our experienced practitioners in Newark and New Brunswick are standing by to put you on the road to recovery.
Maxillofacial Surgery vs. Oral Surgery
Maxillofacial surgery is focused on treating specific conditions of the head, neck, face, mouth, and jaws, including facial trauma, cosmetic issues, and more. These are generally more complex surgeries performed in the operating room and may require hospitalization.
What Can Maxillofacial Surgery Treat?
Over the years, maxillofacial surgery has developed into a powerful tool that is used to treat a host of oral health concerns. At our two locations, our team has used advanced maxillofacial surgeries to treat several medical complications, including the following:
- Degraded jawbones: When bone loss occurs in the jawbone, bone grafting may be required in preparation for dental implants.
- Cancer: Since no two cancer diagnoses are exactly alike, our maxillofacial surgical team works with patients to determine the ideal cancer treatment for them. This may include freezing, excision surgery, or another treatment modality. Surgery is often performed in conjunction with our medical colleagues to provide comprehensive care and reconstruction to restore form and function
- Cleft lip and cleft palate issues: These are most often faced by young children. In many cases, our team treats cleft lips and/or palates on children in conjunction with the craniofacial team consisting of multiple dental and medical specialists.
- Facial infections: In cases of severe facial infections, multiple spaces can be involved which may spread and affect airway. Our surgeons can drain infections and remove source which often involves hospitalization.
- Sleep apnea or snoring: In certain cases, surgery can alleviate obstructive sleep apnea. Our team typically treats such patients with maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) surgery, when a surgeon advances the bones in their upper and lower jaw.
- Trigeminal nerve injuries: In many cases, trigeminal nerve injuries can occur resulting in numbness or pain of the lip, tongue, cheek, chin or face affecting quality of life and activities of daily living. Our specialists offer microsurgical techniques to correct these injuries and restore sensation to our patients.
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder: The three main types of surgical treatments for TMJ disorder are arthroscopy, arthroplasty, and total joint replacement. The type of surgery our team will recommend for each patient largely depends on their unique health condition.
Getting Started at Our Clinics
During an initial evaluation, one of our highly trained providers will take a full dental history and perform diagnostic testing to determine your candidacy for maxillofacial surgery. Each curated treatment plan that our specialists develop is personalized to each patient, addressing the unique concerns that brought them into the clinic. From there, your needs will continue to be met all under one, convenient roof.
To schedule an evaluation for maxillofacial surgery or to learn about one of our other dental services, make an appointment with us today. You can reach our Newark facility at 973-972-2444 or our New Brunswick facility at 732-235-5050.