A child sticking tongue out during rain

Cleft lips and palate deformities are a common birth anomaly occurring in 1/1000 births worldwide. While not directly harmful, they can make tasks like eating, drinking, and speaking difficult for a growing child. The only current way to treat these abnormalities is through surgery, which provides cosmetic and functional benefits for your child. Find out more from Rutgers Health University Dental Associates about oral surgery for cleft lip and palate deformities and what to expect at our Newark and New Brunswick offices in New Jersey.

Dentist speaking with patient

If you’re slated to receive oral surgery in the coming months, you might have a lot of different questions rushing through your mind. But to gather the most helpful information possible, you’ll need to ask a few pointed ones the next time you see your oral surgeon. Here, Rutgers Health University Dental Associates of Newark and New Brunswick, New Jersey, offers some advice on communicating with your oral surgeon prior to your procedure.

wisdom teeth

Many people live with their wisdom teeth all their lives. However, many others undergo wisdom teeth removal to help keep their mouths healthy and comfortable. With so many opportunities to experience wisdom teeth pain, many professionals recommend that patients have their impacted wisdom teeth extracted before their quality of life is affected. Here, Rutgers Health University Dental Associates reviews some of the realities of living with wisdom teeth, as well as the steps you can take to alleviate any complications.

Women holding cheek with pain

The connection of your lower jaw to the skull is the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. You have two of these joints, one on each side of the head, which allows you to control the movement of your jaw so you can chew and talk. There are a few different factors that can cause you to feel pain in these joints, which are collectively called TMJ disorder. 

pregnant woman at dentist

It’s no secret that your body is going through a lot of changes during pregnancy – after all, you are growing a new human life! You’ve been warned about the hormonal fluctuations, swollen ankles, and strange cravings that hit when you least expect it. But have you given any thought to how pregnancy affects your mouth and teeth? If not, Rutgers Health University Dental Associates can help you.